TAC 30th anniversary 3.75" VOOLVIF MONN Jedi Master #58
Legacy Collection 3.75" WIOSLEA Cantina Patron BD36
The Clone Wars 3.75" AHSOKA TANO CW44
Legacy Collection 3.75" ROAN SHRYNE Battle of Geonosis JEDI KNIG
VC214 Vintage Collection BARRISS OFFEE Jedi 3.75" The Clone Wars
Legacy Collection 3.75" QUE-MARS REDATH-GOM Battle of Geonosis JEDI KNIG
VC29 vintage collection KIT FISTO 3.75" Jedi Knight ATTACK of the CLONE
Vintage Collection HasLab MANDALORIAN 3.75" Razor Crest
Vintage Collection HasLab JAWA ELDER 3.75" Arvala-7 offworld Razor Crest version
Legacy collection KYLE KATARN 3.75" Comic Packs #21
VC49 vintage collection FI-EK SIRCH 3.75" Jedi Knight ATTACK of the CLONE
VC156 vintage collection REY 3.75" Rise of Skywalker
legacy collection REBEL GROUND CREW 3.75" Scramble on Yavin
VC88 Vintage collection SLAVE PRINCESS LEIA 3.75" Return of the Jedi
CW the clone wars 501st CLONE TROOPER KIX 3.75" Hunt For Grievous TCW
Vintage collection HOTH REBEL COMMANDER 3.75" Rebel Set ESB
VC137 vintage collection REE YEES (Jabba's Palace) 3.75" Return of the Jedi
VC58 vintage collection AAYLA SECURA 3.75" Revenge of the Sith
VC129 vintage collection DOCTOR APHRA Marvel Comics EU 3.75"
VC104 vintage collection LUMAT EWOK 3.75" Return of the Jedi
VC55 vintage collection LOGRAY EWOK 3.75" Return of the Jedi
VC111 vintage collection PRINCESS LEIA ORAGNA (bespin) 3.75" Empire Strikes Back
VC25 vinatge collection R2-D2 (Jabba's Sail Barge) 3.75" Return of the Jedi
VC17 vintage collection GENERAL GRIEVOUS 3.75" The Clone Wars
Vintage collection IMPERIAL COMMANDER 3.75" Imperial Set ESB
VC48 vintage collection WEEQUAY SKIFF MASTER Return of the Jedi 3.75"
Vintage Collection REMNANT STORMTROOPER carbonized (clean version) 3.75"
VC15 vintage collection CLONE TROOPER 3.75" Revenge of the Sith
legacy collection R2-T7 astromech droid 3.75" (Battle over Endor) ROTJ
VC vintage collection R5-D8 astromech droid 3.75" (Battle of Yavin)
VC24 vintage collection WOOOF (Skiff Guard) 3.75" Return of the
VC44 vintage collection LUKE SKYWALKER (Dagobah Landing) 3.75 " ESB
VC vintage collection 50th DROIDS R2-D2 3.75 " (Target Exclusive))
VC251 vintage collection DIN DJARIN (MORAK) 3.75" Mandalorian
VC238 vintage collection LANDO CALRISSIAN 3.75" Battlefront II
VC80 vintage collection ANAKIN SKYWALKER (Jedi Padawan) 3.75" Phantom Menace
VC218 vintage collection YODA 3.75" Empire Strikes Back
VC237 vintage collection ARC TROOPER (Umbra Operation) 3.75" Battlefront II
VC221 vintage collection FENNEC SHAND 3.75" The Book of Boba Fett
VC219 vintage collection DEATH WATCH MANDALORIAN 3.75" The Mandalorian